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101 Puzzles In Thought and Logic

101 Puzzles In Thought and Logic

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Do you like puzzles based on logic and reasoning? Try this one: In a certain bank the position of cashier, manager, and teller are held by Brown, Jones, and Smith, though not necessarily in that order. The teller, who was an only child, earns the least. Smith, who married Brown's sister, earns more than the manager. What position does each man fill? If you like to entertain yourself and stretch mental muscles on problems like this or more difficult ones, here are 101 entirely new problems for which you need no special knowledge, no mathematical training—simply the ability to reason clearly. Follow these problems through and you will not only increase your ability to think in abstractions, but you will enjoy solving murder problems and robberies, see which fishermen are liars and how a blind man can identify color purely by logic, and enjoy dozens of interesting situations. Puzzles range from easy to relatively difficult, and will please both beginners and experts.