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Heist Game

Heist Game

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You and your team have been contacted by the boss, challenging you to pull off the heist of the century: crack a safe filled with gold in 5 minutes or less and collect $50 million in cold hard cash! Choose your role - select either the explosives expert, hacker, money man, or the lookout. Work together as a team and follow the instructions carefully to open the safe and walk away ridiculously rich. Think fast and watch out - three false moves trip the alarm! Do you and your team have what it takes to complete the mission? Requires 3 AA batteries (not included). Get the $50 million: can you and your team pull off the Heist of the century in 5 minutes or less? Choose your role: select either the explosives expert, hacker, money Man or lookout Follow the commands to perfection: think fast and watch out - three false moves trip the alarm! Like playing Simon says Complete the mission: Congratulations, you have opened the safe and won $50 million. Time to level up! 5 progressive game levels: beat all of the levels to become the Heist Champions.