• ADULTS ONLY: This game contains mature content and is designed for ages 17+. NOT intended for children. Trust us on this one.
• HOW TO PLAY: Each player takes a turn in the hot seat, with the player to their right reading a set of five hilarious yes-or-no question cards about them. The group then tries to guess whether the answer is yes or no using their voting cards. (Example: Does Ben's last text contain an Emoji? Is Ben's Uber rating over a 4.6?) The player in the hot seat then reveals their answers — and who was right! At the end of each five-question round, the player with the most correct answers wins.
• WHAT’S INSIDE: Contains 40 “Yes” cards, 40 “No” cards, 460 Question cards, instructions. Printed on premium playing cards (thick with gloss finish), shrink-wrapped in a custom box.