A collection of questions designed to challenge, entertain, provoke, and expand young minds. These are the questions that let kids discover how they feel; let people know what they think; raise issues that everyone loves to discuss. Gregory Stock, author of the original #1 bestselling Book of Questions, took his question-asking ways into schools and came back with over 200 questions, including Thorny dilemmas: Would you rather have a job you didn't like that paid a lot or a job you loved that paid just enough to get by? Embarrassing challenges: Would you kiss someone in front of your whole class for $250? Provocative ideas: What things do you think your parents do just to set an example for you? Intriguing fantasies: If you could text any famous person and be sure they'd read and answer your text, who would you write to and what would you say? There is only one requirement: Give an honest answer. Then be amazed to see where one little question leads.