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What You Meme? Tik Tok

What You Meme? Tik Tok

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• Meme Your Fav TikTok Creators: Compete with your friends and family to create the funniest memes. Do this by using one of your dealt caption cards to caption the photo card in each round. • Adults Only: This game contains mature content and is designed for ages 17+. It is not intended for children. Trust us on this one. Encouraged to be played with 3+ players. • How To Play: Players rotate drawing a TikTok photo card while the rest of the group competes to play the funniest caption card. The rotating judge awards a point to the funniest one. • How To Win: 1 TikTok Photo Card = 1 Point. The player with the most points at the end of the game takes the crown. Pro tip: pick your caption card to match the judge’s sense of humor. • What's Inside: Contains 300 caption cards, 50 photo cards, an easel, plus instructions. Bonus: There's a fancy-looking QR code (called a TikCode) on the back of each photo card. You can scan the code with your phone to look up the exact TikTok video that